Sperm Whale - Physeter macrocephalus

Sperm Whale

Name : Sperm Whale
Latin name : Physeter macrocephalus
Scientific classification : Cetaripdactyla - Physeteridae
Size : 20 m
Distribution : Sperm whales are distributed worldwide from the South Pole to the North Pole. Most of them live off the deep sea and dive more than 2000m. In Japan, they settle in the waters near Ogasawara and the Shiretoko Peninsula. It can also be seen around Tokyo Bay.
Rarity : ★★★★★
Popularity : ★★★★★
Photogenicity : ★★★★☆
Their weight can exceed 50 tons. They use click sounds as a means of hunting and communicating with their peers. Whale watching is practiced all over the world, but there are very few opportunities to see sperm whales underwater.

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